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English File Beginner. Fourth Edition. Student’s Book with Online Practice + Workbook without key

Origins and Sources of Modern Constitutionalism in Europe. Law and ideas

Origins and Sources

Wersja papierowa

Autor: Red. Dariusz Makiłła

Wydawnictwo: UEHS Press

ISBN: 978-83-66552-64-7

Format: 17x24 cm

Wydanie: 2023 r.

Język: angielski

Dostępność: dostępny

Nasza cena: 39,00 PLN
płatność tylko w PLN


This volume is a collection of studies devoted to the ideological sources and the beginnings of the development of the concept of the constitutional state in Europe and the United States, as well as aspects related to its functioning in the 16th-18th centuries. Individual works are separate studies, but they are united by a certain main idea. It involves showing the ways in which the constitutional system was shaped in the past, and especially the political, cultural and social conditions that were important for its development.
(Fragment wprowadzenia)

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