The Application of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Practice in Europe in the 16th-18th Centuries

the application

Wersja papierowa

Redakcja: Dariusz Makiłła, Marek Tracz-Tryniecki

Wydawnictwo: UEHS Press

ISBN: 978-83-66552-70-8

Format: 17x24 cm

Wydanie: 2024 r.

Język: angielski

Dostępność: dostępny

Nasza cena: 39,00 PLN
płatność tylko w PLN


Constitutional law, regardless of the form of the system we adopt, whether it is asystem created as a result of legislation or a system of institutions shaped throughevolution and having various origins, is in each case shaped by the process of theirapplication. The application of constitutional legal norms is particularly important inthe case of systems defined on the basis of constitutional acts. The legal normscontained in the constitutional act determine a specific legal order, which is the basisfor the functioning of the state. The application of these norms usually takes variousforms, which are manifested in both political and constitutional practice. [...]
(Fragment ze Wstępu)

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