English File Elementary. Fourth Edition. Student’s Book with Online Practice + Workbook without key
English File Intermediate. Fourth Edition. Student’s Book with Online Practice + Workbook without key

English File Pre-Intermediate. Fourth Edition. Student’s Book with Online Practice + Workbook without key


Wersja papierowa

Autor: Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden, Jerry Lambert

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press

ISBN: 9780194037419

Format: 22x28 cm

Wydanie: 2019 r.

Język: angielski

Dostępność: niedostępny

Nasza cena: 210,00 PLN
płatność tylko w PLN


English File's unique, lively and enjoyable lessons are renowned for getting students talking. New and updated texts, topics, and tasks that make students want to speak in English. Students build confidence to communicate with a proven balance of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and skills in every File. Each Student's Book comes with access to new Online Practice that is directly linked to each Student's Book.

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